Ethiopian Heritage Trust (EHT), established in 1992, is an independent, non-political, non-religious and non-profit making charity.
Its key objectives are:
- The conservation of Ethiopian natural and cultural heritages to transfer for the next generation for the purpose of tourism economy and promotion.
- The afforestation and reforestation of Ethiopian mountains and degraded areas by indigenous tress and undertaking water and soil shade conservation and management,
In so doing the Trust contributes to the greening of Ethiopia, the resilience of climate change and improves the community’s livelihood through creating jobs related to Agroforestry approach and tourism for the young Ethiopian men and women.

Mission statement
Ethiopian Heritage Trust is committed to the greening of Ethiopia through the conservation and restoration of Ethiopian mountains by planting indigenous trees.
It also aims at the preservation and promotion of globally valued natural and cultural heritages of Ethiopia for the benefit and development of both national and global communities.
In so doing the Trust contributes to the greening of Ethiopia, the resilience of climate change and improves the community’s livelihood through creating jobs related to forestry and tourism for the young and poor Ethiopian men and women.
Legitimacy and Governance
EHT is legally re-registered with the Ethiopian Federal Democratic Republic of Civil Society Authority; registration number 1445 dated November 12, 2019. Its partner in mission, Ethiopian Heritage Trust-UK, established in 2017 and the Ethiopian Heritage Trust (UK) is a charity based in London with registered charity number of 1188689. Based in London it supports the work of EHT through its advisory role and by raising funds from donors and members.
The Trust is governed by a board of trustees who are elected by the general assembly and whose tenure is four years. Reporting to the governing board, the general manager is responsible for the execution of the Trust’s mission. EHT has a total number of 30 corporate members, about 2500 individual members, 65 permanent and temporary employees.
EHT, in communicating its members and raising awareness for the general public over natural and cultural heritage issues has been embarking. The Trust has four social media platforms; Website, Facebook, Telegram, and Instagram.
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Dashen Bank, Abyssinia Bank, Moha soft drink plc., BGI – Ethiopia, Dashen Bank, Embassies of many countries, British Council, Hilton- Addis, and Sheraton – Addis are among the corporate members. The renowned and legendary Ethiopian Athlete Haile Gebresillasie, and the late Girma W. Giorgis, the President of the FDRE can be mentioned as EHT’s lifetime members.
Financial Standing
Sources of Income
To fulfill its objectives, the Trust will have the right to request, receive and make use of financial resources from any legal sources. The Trust is obligated to receive any legal finances by the official receipt or through the bank accounts of the Trust only. Furthermore, the Trust will keep a record of all the properties that it receives in kind.
The Trust’s main sources of income is:
- members’ subscription fees
- donations or inheritances obtained in cash or in kind
- grants from development collaborators received as cash or in kind to implement projects
- payments from provision of different services to others
- saving from stringent and wise use of financial resources of the Trust
- bank interest and
- grants/donations obtained in cash from supporters to sustain and/or build the capacity of the Trusts.
Management and Utilization of Financial Resources of the Trust
The Trust’s financial flow and transactions shall be guided by accounting system accepted globally and adopted by Ethiopia nationally. The Trust shall employ generally accepted book of accounting system to show its financial transactions. The Trust shall submit annual financial statements prepared in accordance with acceptable principles to the Authority for Civil Society Organizations. A copy of all the Trust’s relevant financial documents of the last fiscal year shall be maintained and kept at least for five years in conspicuous place in the office of the Trust. It shall be the General Assembly that examines and endorses the financial plans and performances of the Trust. All financial transactions of the Trust shall be operated through the bank accounts opened in the name of the Trust. The principal signatories of the Trust are the Executive Officer and the Finance Officer. However, one other high level management member (Program Directors or Program Officers) can be delegated as Alternate Signatories. The Trust’s annual financial statement shall be audited by a Chartered Accountant within three months after completion of the fiscal year.

EHT’s Strategic Plan: synopsis
In 2021 fiscal year EHT has developed a strategic plan which will be implemented within three years (2022 – 2014). The plan incorporates the two key objectives of the Trust.
Meet our team
Our comprehensive suite of professionals caters to a diverse team

Dr. Tsedek Abate

Dr. Alula Pankhurst
Vice President

Mekoya Mamo
General Manager of the Trust
We’ve worked with some of the best organizations.

What is the Ethiopian Heritage Trust (EHT)?
The Ethiopian Heritage Trust (EHT) is an independent, non-political, non-religious, and non-profit charity established in 1992. The Trust is dedicated to conserving and preserving Ethiopia’s natural and cultural heritage through various initiatives, such as afforestation, reforestation, and the protection of historic sites.
What are EHT’s main objectives?
EHT has two primary objectives:
Conservation of Ethiopian natural and cultural heritage, promoting tourism and passing on this heritage to future generations.
Afforestation and reforestation of Ethiopian mountains and degraded areas using indigenous trees, along with water and soil conservation.
What areas does EHT focus on?
EHT primarily focuses on restoring and conserving the natural environment and historic sites in Ethiopia. Some of the key project sites include Entoto Natural Park in Addis Ababa, and projects in Dessie, Dire Dawa – Harar, and Ankober. The Trust also collaborates with Ethiopian universities on land restoration initiatives.
Who governs EHT?
EHT is governed by a Board of Trustees elected by the General Assembly for a four-year tenure. The Trust is licensed by the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Charities and Societies Agency with registration number 1445 and operates across Ethiopia.