About Ethiopian Heritage Trust


The Ethiopian Heritage Trust (EHT), established in 1992, is an independent, non-political, non-religious and non-profit making charity.

Mission statement

Ethiopian Heritage Trust is committed to the greening of Ethiopia through the conservation and restoration of Ethiopian mountains by planting indigenous trees. It also aims at the preservation and promotion of globally valued natural and cultural heritages of Ethiopia for the benefit and development of both national and global communities. In so doing the Trust contributes to the greening of Ethiopia, the resilience of climate change and improves the community’s livelihood through creating jobs related to forestry and tourism for the young and poor Ethiopian men and women.

Legitimacy and Governance

EHT is legally re-registered with the Ethiopian Federal Democratic Republic of Civil Society Authority; registration number 1445 dated November 12, 2019. Its partner in mission, Ethiopian Heritage Trust-UK, established in 2017 and the Ethiopian Heritage Trust (UK) is a charity based in London with registered charity number of 1188689. Based in London it supports the work of EHT through its advisory role and by raising funds from donors and members. The Trust is governed by a board of trustees who are elected by the general assembly and whose tenure is four years. Reporting to the governing board, the general manager is responsible for the execution of the Trust’s mission. EHT has a total number of 30 corporate members, about 2500 individual members, 65 permanent and temporaryemployees. EHT, in communicating its members and raising awareness for the general public over natural and cultural heritage issues has been embarking. The Trust has four social media platforms; Website, Facebook, Telegram, and Instagram. Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Dashen Bank, Abyssinia Bank, Moha soft drink plc., BGI - Ethiopia, Dashen Bank, Embassies of many countries, British Council, Hilton- Addis, and Sheraton – Addis are among the corporate members. The renowned and legendary Ethiopian Athlete Haile Gebresillasie, and the late Girma W. Giorgis, the President of the FDRE can be mentioned as EHT’s lifetime members.